By all accounts, actor James Doohan, the first irreplaceable Enterprise Engineer was a good guy who inspired many fans into becoming Engineers. However in his personal life he was a pedophile and I stand by calling him that. I had long forgotten about this incident concerning him but was watching Star Trek and wanted to confirm.

This is from wikipedia but I knew about this back in the 1980s and found it extremely disgusting then. To this day, I continue to be appalled that he used his fame and influence at 54 years old on a 17 year old girl whom he married when she turned 18 and they proceeded to have 3 kids, the last child when he turned 80 in 2000. 5 years later he would be dead – to me he was a selfish disgusting perv. He would never have influenced me to do anything but arrest him. He got away with his deviance because of his fame. In the past, people have given Mr Doohan a pass due to his fame. I, do not.


Personal life

Doohan giving a speech

Doohan was married three times and had seven children, four of them—including Christopher—with his first wife Janet Young, whom he divorced in 1964. His marriage to Anita Yagel in 1967–72 produced no children. In early 1974, he was introduced to 17-year-old fan Wende Braunberger at a theatre performance. They were married that same year, when he was 54 and she was 18, on October 12, 1974. Star Trek guest actor William Campbell served as best man.[30] Doohan and Braunberger had three children: Eric, Thomas, and Sarah in April 2000, around his 80th birthday.[31][32]

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